Evangelical Lutheran Church District Neustadt-Wunstorf, Germany and Synode Uruguai, Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil

Tree 276

Planted by:

Ms. Barbara Preuß and Mr. Silmar Hemp

Biblical Votum :

1 Corinthians 12,13: "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves4 or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."

Tree species:

Platanus hispanica – London plane

Planting in the Luther Garden :

On May 30th, 2015, Ms. Preuß and Ms. Hemp planted a London plane tree on behalf of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church District Neustadt-Wunstorf and the Uruguai Synod of the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil. Both Church Districts have had a close partnership for decades.

Location of the tree :

This tree is located in the :
Luthergarten Andreasbreite
Location of the Luther Garden :
Between Wallstraße, Kurfürstenring (formerly Hallesche Straße) and Elbstraße
Tree 276
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