Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia

Tree 067

Planted by:

Mgr. Anna-Maria Benkova in Vertretung von Bischof Samuel Vrbovský

Biblical Votum :

Psalms 46,1: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present2 help in trouble."

Tree species:

Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' - Field Maple

Planting in the Luther Garden :

On November 16th, 2015, during the 12th International Theological Seminar of the Lutheran World Federation, Mgr. Anna-Maria Benkova (watering the tree), representing Bishop Samuel Vrbovský, planted a field maple tree on behalf of the Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia.

Planting the partner tree :

November 06, 2014
Luther Decade - 500 years Reformation - Commemoration

“In addition to various spiritual lectures, regular Bible lessons and church services, the parish of Kulpin decided to commemorate this significant anniversary with a tree planting.

After the state of our congregation restituted their alienated property, chiefly the ditches and meadows surrounding the village, which, as a matter of course, were in a devastated and neglected state, the initiative, supported and guided by the episcopate and the council, arose; to clear out all the thickets and shrubs and to bury the trenches. With the wood we collected in this way, the premises in the parish hall as well as the parsonage were heated for one winter.
With great desire and effort of the local council, -presbyterium and the parishioners, we have the so-called Burik-trench with more than 300m3 earth buried and leveled. We planted the cultivated area with 500 acacia trees, with which we commemorate the 500 years of the Reformation.
The other ditch, the so-called Vida ditch, we have planted with cardboard trees, commemorating the synod in Zilina 1610, and the garden of the parish priest's house, after long preparation and cultivation with 95 Paulovia, in memory of Luther's 95 theses, which he had struck the door of the castle church to Wittenberg. All trees have grown to 100% because the entire community has regularly cared for the plants, watered. Thank the Lord for the Reformation, for the salvation of the medieval error, for the enlightenment through this, as well as for this our action. Throughout the time and phases of our action, we have become aware that and to what extent we are responsible for our Earth and the environment. After all, we have our mandate here on earth, and only thanks to God, the Lord. "
(Pastor Jaroslav Javornik, Translation Evka Hlavati)

Location of the tree :

This tree is located in the :
Luthergarten Andreasbreite
Location of the Luther Garden :
Between Wallstraße, Kurfürstenring (formerly Hallesche Straße) and Elbstraße
Tree 067
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