Evangelical Church of Hesse Electorate-Waldeck, Germany

Tree 090

Planted by:

Bishop Prof. Dr. Martin Hein and Church President Rudolf Schulze

Biblical Votum :

Isaiah 55,12: "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

Tree species:

Sorbus aria 'Magnifica' - Common Whitebean

Planting in the Luther Garden :

On April 2nd, 2016, Bishop Prof. Dr. Martin Hein (center, next to Pastor Hans Kasch, Director of the LWF Center Wittenberg, at right), planted a whitebeam tree on behalf of the Evangelical Church of Hesse Electorate-Waldeck, Germany. He was accompanied by President of the Church Synod Rudolf Schulze (left) and other members of the church.

Planting the partner tree :

On October 11th, 2016, on the occasion of the Council Meeting of the Evangelical Church of Hesse Electorate-Waldeck, Bishop Dr. Martin Hein (6th from right, with spade) planted an oak tree as partner tree on the grounds of the Evangelical Academy in Hofgeismar, Germany.

Location of the tree :

This tree is located in the :
Luthergarten Andreasbreite
Location of the Luther Garden :
Between Wallstraße, Kurfürstenring (formerly Hallesche Straße) and Elbstraße
Tree 090
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