Evangelical Church Congregation Bad Schmiedeberg with Reinharz and Patzschwig, Germany

Tree 481

Planted by:

Board members and Family Albrecht, Schneeberg

Biblical Votum :

Psalms 85, 10-11: "Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky."

Tree species:

Acer platanoides – Norway maple

Planting in the Luther Garden :

On October 9th, 2018, a member of the Church Council (3rd from left), as well as Family Albrecht aus Schneeberg (left), planted a Norway maple tree on behalf of the Evangelical Church Congregation Bad Schmiedeberg with Reinharz and Patzschwig, Germany.

Planting the partner tree :

On November 17th, 2018, church members of the congregation in Bad Schmiedeberg, together with Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht from Schneeberg who had initiated the tree planting (with spade and watering can), planted a black pine tree in the Castle Park Reinharz at the center of the Dübener Heide as the partner tree of the Evangelical Church Congregation Bad Schmiedeberg with Reinharz and Patzschwig, Germany.

Location of the tree :

This tree is located in the :
Luthergarten at Luther House
Location of the Luther Garden :
Between Collegienstraße and Weserstraße
Tree 481
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