Meditation in the Luthergarten at the New Town Hall

Find a quiet place along the tree-lined alleys and look around.

On these grounds are the town hall, an event hall, and the second location of the Luthergarten. This is a place for the townspeople, for working and relaxing. In the midst of this, at every tree planting, guests came to Wittenberg and celebrated a devotion at their tree.

  • Where do locals and guests come together in your hometown?
  • Are there places where city and church work side by side where you live?
  • What might it mean to pray in public spaces?

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens,
but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.”
(Ephesians 2:19)

The Luthergarten may provide a place for people of all kinds and from all places to come together and feel connected despite all differences between them.

Suggestions for prayer:

  • Pray for the people who live in Wittenberg.
  • Pray for guests and those with no home.
  • Give thanks for work and rest.
hacia arriba