Meditation on the trees in the Luthergarten (Andreasbreite)

"Even if I knew that the world were to collapse tomorrow,
I would still plant my apple tree today."
(Ascribed to Martin Luther)

With this quote from Luther in mind, the Luthergarten was developed to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with a global, ecumenical, and living monument.
In Christ Jesus all Christians are brothers and sisters. Just like in a family, these church siblings have differing opinions and things are not always easy. In the Luthergarten, different confessions come together. Each tree is unique, as each church and each person are unique. Yet the different trees draw nourishment from the same earth and grow together toward the same sky, just as Christian believers and churches share the same faith and hope.

As the trees grow, their roots intertwine and their branches touch. Together, the trees create a stronger whole.

  • Reflect on a time that you supported someone.
  • Reflect on a time when you received support from someone.

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
(Matthew 5:5 and 5:9)

Suggestions for prayer:

  • Give thanks for the richness of creation and for its beauty in diversity.
  • Pray for continued reconciliation among Christians of different confessions.
  • Pray for acknowledgement and respect among people of different faiths and cultures.
hacia arriba